Jamu is often referred to as traditional Indonesian herb because herbal medicine it has been known since the time of the ancestors before science related to modern medicine entered Indonesia. Even though it’s already there is a lot of evidence that some herbal ingredients are clinically tested, but until now there are still many people who are a priori to herbal medicine, pioneered by the Research and Development Agency and the National Commission on Herbal Sciences, through service-based research, with taking samples centered at the Hortus Medicus Tawangmangu Clinic and assisted by various herbal medicine clinics spread throughout Indonesia.
Scientifically proven, some herbal ingredients, proven to be useful and has the effect of increasing endurance, especially in this pandemic era. The 2nd International Conference on Traditional Medicine (ICTM) raised the topic “The best traditional medicine in the era of the pandemic” intends to share information and description of the use of traditional health in health maintenance, disease prevention, and health care especially in this pandemic era. This effort is made to excite the development again traditional medicine (jamu) and open the public’s insight in the use of medicine traditional medicine (herbal medicine) in maintaining immunity in the pandemic era.
This CTM will present domestic and foreign speakers. Several parties involved include Gadjah Mada University, Mahidol University of Thailand, University of Sharjah United Arab Emirates, Karnataka Ayurveda Medical College India, PUI Pujakesuma, KASTA, Pancasila University and involving an internal Polkesta lecturer as a resource person. ICHS 2021 is planned to invite Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia and Secretary General The Indonesian Ministry of Health as a “keynote speaker”.
The expected output of this ICTM is publication in the form of proceedings with ISBN indexed by google scholars, accredited national journals, and international journals reputable. The series of ICTM events include conferences, oral presentations, call for paper and international competitions. Health creativity & innovation international competition is a creativity competition and innovation in the health sector as a forum for student ideas and work. This competition was participated by students from inside and outside the country in the field of health. There are 4 categories of this competition, namely pharmaceutical & herbal, physical therapy, obstetrics & 2000 and other health.
Karnataka Ayurveda Medical College (KAMC), India
"Herb, Yoga and Ayurveda Best Practice During Pandemic”
Center of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty
of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
"Thai Traditional Medicine Best Practice in Pandemic Era”
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
“Drug Discivery from Natural Resources : Indonesian Experience”
Lecturer in Occuupational Therapy,
Health Polytechnic of Surakarta
"Building Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty"
College of Health Sciences University of
Sharjah United Arab Emirates (UAE)
“Evidence Based of Complementary Alternative Medicine
(CAM) and its Implementation to Fight COVID-19”
Head of the Pharmacy Diploma III Study Program,
Health Polytechnic of Surakarta
“Effectivity Telemedicine in Pandemic Era”
Secretary of Midwifery Department, Health Polytechnic
of Surakarta
“The Miracle of Ginger in Midwifery Practise”
Head of Education Development Center, Health Polytechnic of Surakarta
“Community Empowerment By Utilizing Natural Resources
in The Face of The COVID 19 Pandemic”
*Term and condition applied, with publication fee
GUIDELINE LINK http://bit.ly/competitionguidelines2021
JOIN COMPETITION LINK http://bit.ly/internationalcompetition2021
Oral Presentation + Proceeding IDR 500.000. Payment Partner
Conference Participant Free.
Additional fee for selected Paper (according to journal APC)
Author for SINTA journal
Author for Scopus Journal
© Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta 2021